Saying For Today: I think many of us come to know the beauty of who we are through the love others give us. They remind us we, too, are a Temple walking around on this Earth. We need to be loved, to call us back Home.
Everyone is Welcome Here
Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs
The one Presence chooses - why, we do not know - to express in particularity. Spirit shows up dressed in a tapestry of diversity that itself is composed of a potentially infinite design of unique manifestations of a single Beingness. The religions that present Beingness as being three - that is, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism - are intimating an intuition that somehow Grace particularizes. 'God' creates from 'God' a community, a communion. My thought is part of this is 'God' wants to know and experience 'God' as other, as object, 'God' with 'God,' through this diversity, or, we could say, One with two and with three and with four - again, potentially, infinitely. Possibly, we are each a means of 'God' enjoying 'God'; therefore, for you to be authentic, real, and true to yourself is a means of being true to the Beingness giving you being. You have no need to be selfish or unselfish, in this sense, but simply to let become moment-by-moment that you are in 'God,' for who you are truly is and in 'God' has always been. I think many of us come to know the beauty of who we are through the love others give us. They remind us we, too, are a Temple walking around on this Earth. We need to be loved, to call us back Home.
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A rose does not struggle to be different from other roses
Each rose, in itself, being itself is different
A rose does not compete to stand out as special
There is room enough in the garden for all the different roses
Cease trying to be special express your unique realness
Your gift to others is you Your you-ness blesses
Do not first seek how to express this contact the place in yourself where this already is
Then, Spirit will co-operate with you to manifest your you-ness outwardly
However, Spirit cannot co-operate with a denial of who you truly are
So, remember the rose, and express your uniqueness in the Garden of Life
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When you come to the door of Home, a door you in yourself cannot open, and it opens, you will see not only what many call 'God,' you will see yourself. To find yourself as being in Grace by Grace is to come Home. You see you are who you are, for Love is Who Love is. You come to know that personhood is another means of Grace, not to be disdained as hindering you, but as a gift for the expression of the one Life.
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
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